Worms 2

-- Cheats --

In-game cheat codes

Type in the asterisks; press ‘backspace’ when finished.

Menu cheat codes

All cheats here are case-sensitive.

Misc cheat info

Single player level codes

Note : Type all codes in upper-case, and no spaces or punctuation.

  1. Onceupona
  2. time,therewere
  3. somesmallworms
  4. whogotvery,very
  5. annoyedand
  6. decidedto
  7. gotoarmsin
  8. ordertowipe
  9. outtheir
  10. viciousenemy
  11. counterparts.
  12. Theydeveloped
  13. somereally
  14. coolweapons,such
  15. asbananabombs
  16. andmagicbullets.
  17. Theytrained
  18. allnightsand
  19. everydaysothey
  20. wouldbecome
  21. proficient
  22. intheirwormly
  23. ways.Sometimes,
  24. theywouldshoot
  25. granniesjust
  26. forfunandlaugh
  27. aboutitinthe
  28. eveningtime.
  29. Weapologiseon
  30. behalfofallthe
  31. territoriesthat
  32. wewenttothe
  33. troubleoftranslating
  34. Worms2into,butwe
  35. didnthavetimeto
  36. translatethese
  37. passwords - notthat
  38. theyneedtobedone.
  39. Wesupposethat
  40. youarereally
  41. expectingto
  42. seeawonderful
  43. cheatmodewhen
  44. finishthemissions
  45. - andyouareright.